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Tuesday, 30 January 2007

IV cash out!

Published by Lord of Flames under , , on 3:36:00 pm
!!!Big news!!!!
As we said earlier on, there will be a new kind of currency for pre=paid cards and it's out!-It's called the IV.

What's IV?
To put it simply, it's Item voucher for short. It will be used to buy some items that only by paying IVs. Its function is pretty much the same as the game Gunbound® cash. Only the appearance is different.To your right is the picture
So what now?
Well, actually the designs of the pre-paid cards are not out yet- blame the guys who designs them not me!(I think it should be keller, marcus, or even qi xian)
When will this start?
I will inform all of you through email so give me your email if you think that I don't know yours.email me through this--click here to email me your email address!
More about IV!

  • There is a disadvantage for having IVs, when you see the charcater, Conker™, the Ivs will run towards them, meaning you will lose them all in once! So better wish you never wish will see Conker™ when you have IVs.
  • Wanna know why it is called IV? It is named so in honour of the current game Combineset™®© IV Beta. Notice the words in Bold.

Bye Bye and meet again!

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Monthly Blog Report Cum Forum's back online( January 2007 Issue)

Published by Lord of Flames under , , , , on 6:23:00 pm
Dear friends,

the time has come again and most of the blog skin changes has been made except for the following:
  1. Message Pop-up after leaving web page
  2. Disabling of right click.

If you guys were to disagree that these stuffs are not looking good in the blog, comment and let me know, if you manage to convince 5 different people to say that the stuffs mentioned above is lagging the blog, I will cease these add-ons.

In additional, if you 'smart' people realised that, the post published on the index page has been limited to 5 entries to speed up the loading of this 'great' web page. However, if you were to intend to view previous entries, you can, either by:

  1. Going to the archives and search for a specified entry or
  2. Read up entries by labels(groups)

What's more?

The forum's fully operational with a new, less laggy, background which will speed up loading too! So what's holding you back? Go there now!

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Chinese New Year Gifts!

Published by Lord of Flames under , , , on 2:39:00 pm
Go to World 8 and recieve your gift, after you done the quest of course.

Contact Questmaster for more info(I'm rushed for time)

So long Questers
Sunday, 7 January 2007

Counter Dreadlords with Werewolves( oz) only)

Published by Lord of Flames under , , on 5:54:00 pm
This thingy is only for all oz) (those belong to this tribe understand what i mean or else..)
we hav successfully created a smarter werewolves which we only be discussed at our own forum. *HINT*HINT*

So u all must be wondering what the hell crap am i writing here for?

Well sad to say so but before we succeed in creating the smarter werewolves, we hav some brainless werewolves being created and from wat i heard, they are roaming about everywhere so beware of these hostile werewoves!

Dun say i did not warn u guys!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 2 January 2007


Published by Lord of Flames under , , on 4:23:00 pm
World 8 will be reopening and filled up with C-GYM whereas World 2 is filled with Trainer GYMs

World 8 is currently in BETA as it only has one city(half-completed)

World 8 is now reffered as World 8b til it's out of BETA.

It is estimated that it will be out of BETA by Term 2,2007(EARTH TIME FORMAT)

SO cheer for its coming!
Monday, 1 January 2007


Published by Lord of Flames under , on 12:14:00 pm
This mode was previously decided to called, 'RAMPAGE MODE"

But this year we changed it to, "DESTINY MODE" in honour for DESTINY Gundam.
What is it?
Simple, normally , every 10 enemy you killed will make you recover 10 hit points. But if you went to the CAMBERS OF CHALLENGES and unlocked the "DESTINY MODE" by defeating Sir Akabane, whenever you use "DESTINY MODE", every 50 enemy you killed in a single battle, you recover 100 hit points instead of 50 hit points, so come on down to CAMBERS OF CHALLENGES now!
Note: CAMBERS OF CHALLENGES is located at the caves of Gunbound, World12, and no one found it's location yet so if you are the first to find it then we will be in papers!

New games included:

Construction of GIft redemption Counter to be completed soon.

Published by Lord of Flames under , , on 12:07:00 pm
This new project is to take over the job the elite battling tower as it's job is too overwhelming.

The location is still unknown but details will stated soon.

City Plan:

Floor Plan:

Happy new year 2007!

Published by Lord of Flames under , on 12:06:00 pm


It's a new year wth new obstacles so let s face it together!

And what's a new year without a gift?

Ha, since it is new year, I decided to give u all sth-a nuclear warhead(can be used once only)

Make gd use of it!

Adieu & bonne chance
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