Celebration cum changes in game
Published by Lord of Flames under Game News. updates and new stuffs on 3:06:00 pm --
i will wish to thank christopher for joining our website noticeboard and i hope he will be active in it and help make this website known to the entire world.He is our 2nd master for your info and he may be able to post any info he wants to post in this website
Now to the main point for writing this entry in this website.I may be rushing now as I writing it for the second time(that entry had been deleted accidently)so sry for writing in a hurry.
Due to popular demand,we decided to give out the gifts for Good Friday at 10/04/2006 instead of 14/04/2006.This was decided by the order of the giftgivers and maybe you will thank them for that!
Sadly,good news often accompany bad news and this is no different.
They are:
- With effect of 8/04/2006,the order of creatures had decided to train all monsters to hide and cloak.Thus, the chances of finding a creatures has been lowered by 10%
- Quests might become harder as the order of questsgivers are debating whether to make those quests a bit more difficult for travellers and heroes alike.
That's all for now!Good bye!
yours truely,
Grandmaster of combineset.co
For more info,kindly state it in the personlized chatroom
wad a nice flowery intro u have given him... how nice ...i hope u catch my sarcasm in there... give me a call asap
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