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Wednesday 17 September 2008

Insight on 4th Duel#4

Published by Lord of Flames under , on 3:01:00 pm
Recovered from a observer[Rescue Work Overseer]
10/9/2008[Earth Time Format]

It is over, I'm so glad after the horrors I have seen.

Initially, I was not among the team who will be doing the rescue work. However, in the last moment, the curiosity of why one would want to prevent us from getting in get the better of me. How I have wished I had not decided to join them if I had known the horrors within...

The stranger, now unarmed seems to be amused by everything, always observing with watchful eyes. I have earlier made an mental note to keep a lookout on him since I do not trust him.

The inside of the temple looks like a maze.Many of us were arguing about which path to take. However, the stranger walked towards an path without hesitation, as if he knew where were the people we were looking for. I wanted to suggest an alternative path but the rest of the team followed him already. Shaking my head, I tagged along.

The interior was like a tunnel, as such it is getting darker. Like many others, I lit a torch and moved on. Halfway through, the stranger stopped. He seemed shocked and mumbled something about a change in the relic storage room.

Despite what he had said, we marched on, we reached a majestic room and the stranger used some magic to blast it open. We were alarmed, he didn't look like mage. We exchanged worried glance and I pondered the wisdom of letting that stranger in here.

Such thoughts were pretty much quickly banished when we seen what had in store of us.
Blood, it was everywhere. That blood isn't human blood, it was black blood. A monster, most likely.
We weren't moving, perhaps not even blinking. The stranger strode forward, reached a giant object of blackness. He ducked and stared at it.
I chase after him, afraid he would be destroying any form of evidence. Seeing me coming, he stood up and announced that he had seen enough. Right in front of eyes, he faded away to nothing.
We found the heroes in that room except two - the Dark Prince. Perhaps he had won the fight but why did the Grandmaster of OZ) claim it was a draw. And why did Chaos Faction accept the claim? Whose blood was shed in the room? Arg! So much questions no answers. So frustrating. The other is the ex-resistance king, where did the body went too? Maybe, they were gone to remove evidences of a dark secret...
We have recovered the bodies, they may be revived which will be decided by their respective tribes and we are finally headed HOME!
We're due to arrive on 15 September 2008[Earth Time Format] unless there are delays again.
Note: This was taken from the captain of the surviving frigate which had safely returned from the relic site on 15/9/2008[Earth Time Format]


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