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Tuesday 3 April 2007

Phantom Standardise?

Published by Lord of Flames under , , , on 5:08:00 pm
I deeply apologised for the many loopholes on the new phantom race. First and foremost let me get some things straight.

  1. One, they are not a job name so you can't be them without joining their tribe first.
  2. No, currently they're enemies to only devils so unless you are a devil, you won't get any tribe points from them.
  3. They are units of the tribes and so the same rules apply here, they can't be caught in the traditional balls.
  4. They are not creatures created solely for your entertainment...you know what that means? NO torturing..plz...can't you guys grow up?
  5. Once again...NO perverted minds here॥this will be enforced once again after much consideration।
  6. Phantom cannot be attacked by any attacks or spells unless the attacker has True Sight. Even so, only the claws are vulnerable.

Get it? Let's move on, shall we?

Things to clarify:

Before I move on, in some way, you will notice i made that race stronger in some area and weaker in other area, hope you are smart enough to spot them! ;)

  1. All phantoms are rendered cloaked objects and require true sight® products (see labels:buying guide for more details...)to see them...fighting them when you can't see them is difficult for your sick information.
  2. Phantom Enforcer's phantom beam are guided so don't complain if all of a sudden they kill you from afar.
  3. For the benefit of all those who hate phantoms for no due reason, phantom-related stuff can have contact with organic matter only, I repeat ORGANIC MATTER ONLY. That means if a phantom tries to shoot you with phantom beam, using a sword which is un-organic will not protect you, it will just go pass it and hit you(For your info, you are organic) Previously, players thought the beam go past anything, any idiot will know that if it go pass anything, how the heck can it hit you?
  4. Phantoms have a ghostly appearance(as expected for a phantom) when the player has true sight® products worn or used.


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